Dr Martina Miotto

Newcastle University
Academic turned science entrepreneur – Dr Martina Miotto, Chief Scientific Officer of CelluaREvolution

Growing up in North-Eastern Italy, Martina had a passion for STEM from a very young age.

After completing undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Ferrara, Martina moved to Newcastle University. She started her PhD in tissue engineering in 2015, under the supervision of Professor Che Connon, who would go on to become her future business partner.

Martina has received several awards in recognition of her achievements, such as Newcastle University’s Enterprise Scholarship and a prestigious Enterprise Fellowship from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. She currently serves as CellulaREvolution’s Chief Scientific Officer, a spin-out she co-founded off the back of her PhD research.



Support Recieved from Northern Accelerator

Martina made the leap from academia to entrepreneurship when her spin-out business, CellulaREvolution, officially launched in 2019. Co-founded with Professor Che Connon and Leo Groenewegen, CellulaREvolution focuses on technologies for the continuous manufacture of adherent cells helping the field of cell therapy, biologics, and cultured meat.

Martina also received initial support from Northern Accelerator, which helped steer the prospective spin-out through the early commercialisation process.

She also benefitted from Northern Accelerator’s Executives into Business programme, which provided CellulaREvolution with their CEO, Leo Groenewegen, to lead the company and successfully establish it as a thriving spin-out business.

Going from Strength to Strength

Martina’s spin-out has expanded quickly since 2019, from its three initial co-founders to a seven-strong team, including a research and development department. The CellulaREvolution team recently developed a prototype bioreactor that will transform their production processes. They are also in the process of moving from their current location in the Centre for Life, to new offices in Newcastle’s Biosphere where they will set up lab facilities.