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Ideas Impact Hub
Whether you want to develop your awareness of innovation and enterprise, or want the know-how to commercialise your research, our Ideas Impact Hub has something to offer.
Our Ideas Impact Hub provides training for academics to help recognise intellectual property and create real-world impact from research.
Two levels of in-depth training are on offer, complimented by one-off sessions on specific subjects throughout the year.
Innovators is primarily aimed at early career researchers, and is delivered in partnership with Skillfluence, experts in upskilling researchers to work with others to maximise the social and economic impact of their work. The programme offers innovation, enterprise and impact training to help academics realise real-world impact from their research. discover more
Future founders is delivered in partnership with innovation and venturing specialists Zuas and focuses on the knowledge, understanding and commercial skills academics need to establish successful spin-out enterprises or licensing opportunities. discover more
We’re currently developing our training offer for 2024 and will announce course details and application dates in January. Please check back for more details or speak to your technology transfer team to start a conversation about your interest in research commercialisation!
To Date We Have

Academics trained in impact & entrepreneurship

Training courses delivered